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Nasza gazeta

Aby oderwać się od szarej codzienności, pozwól GlobeSailor zabrać Cię w podróż dookoła świata na pokładzie jachtu! Pierwsze wydanie naszego magazynu zostało zainspirowane przygodami naszych klientów i armatorów. Zawiera mnóstwo przydatnych żeglarskich wskazówek. Chcemy podzielić się tymi wyjątkowymi materiałami ze wszystkimi miłośnikami żagli. Opisujemy najciekawsze miejsca na postój i zwiedzanie na lądzie, nasze najatrakcyjniejsze oferty i przydatne wskazówki, historie żeglarzy i żeglarek oraz aktualności z życia naszej firmy.

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Greece, Guadeloupe, Scotland, Balearic Islands

Our third issue has marvelous nautical discoveries in store for you! Sail in secluded archipelagos: from the Saronic Islands in Greece to the Aegadian Islands in Sicily.We’ll take you through the seas of Scotland for a legendary cruise. Learn more about the ecological project of Roland Jourdain, a famous French skipper, and Clara and Christian Dumard’s sailing adventure in the North Pole. Find out more about the lastest nautical news (follow “Pianocéan” and “Basile’s adventures” projects) and get tips for your next sailing holidays.

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Croatia, Grenadines, Sri Lanka, Sercq

Our second issue takes you into unknown seas, with an escape to Sri Lanka and a stop-over in the Channel Islands. Wander around the Grenadines with a couple of sea adventurers and discover our new package of cabin cruises through the beautiful experience of Florence and her husband Frederick in Croatia. We'll also tell you all about Fabrice Amedeo's incredible story and the globalisation of Corentin de Chatelperron's low-tech systems. And much, much more!

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Montenegro, Norway, Indonesia, Port Manec’h

Our first issue takes you along a traditional boat trip around Komodo Island, gets you familiar with a couple of globetrotters in Norway, then on to Montenegro in the Bay of Kotor and Albania! We cannot forget to mention our detour to Brittany and exclusive interviews with Gwénolé Gahinet et Loïc Henaff…